Thursday, December 18, 2008


Arianna had her first Santa pic today, and I must admit she was such a good girl....:) She has been a lot more content the past couple of days, which really makes me happy!

Here is her pic
her cheeks are so big and squeezable lol.
I made some peanut butter cups to give as gifts today, and tomorrow I'll be making turtles and short breads, I always give something homemade and something else for Christmas, and this year since money is a bit tight, we are making these things and Giving a pic of Arianna in a nice frame. Everyone says not to bother giving them anything, but I love giving gifts!! I hope the turtles turn out OK, as I have never made them before, but I'm sure they will.

I honestly can't wait to get back to healthy eating and planning again because I will feel much better mentally and physically, and I can't wait to be proud of myself again. I was so proud and felt so good when I lost the weight before. I'm trying not to beat myself up because I just had a baby, but I can't help it. I'm disappointed that I was able to wear jeans from before I lost the weight :( but I'll lose them all again and more. It's going to be hard doing it on my own, but I'll have to stay excited by using stickers on the calendar again. It really worked last time!!

Anyway, I guess I am asking Santa for motivation, and the will to succeed!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's getting close

Well it's now really close to Christmas, and I'm trying to get excited. We are going home to Cape Breton, and while it will be great to see everyone, it's going to be crazy. I think we are expected to visit lots of people, and honestly with a baby who is pretty fussy all the time, I am putting my foot down and not running all over the place, they can feel free to visit if they want. :)

The baby is still pretty fussy every day, which is super hard but when she smiles it makes everything better. I am a bit nervous about Joey going back to work but I should be fine.
My plan is to get back to healthy eating in the New Year, but it will take a lot of planning and prep work to make a go of things. At least with me cooking healthy, Joey will benefit too, so that's a bonus. I am also still planning to exercise which will be tough when I am tired already from looking after princess fussypants. I will have to make the most of my time and make sure that I am always prepared with a solid plan.
So I have lots of goals I just need to act on them!! I have to admit that it excites me just to be planning this.

Anyway, I'm working hard on getting ready for Christmas and everything else I need to do.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I'm trying really hard to get motivated and happy, not just for weightloss but for everything. I guess sleep deprivation affects everything these days. I'm eating everything in sight but that will change.

I am positive that it is going to change because I remember how great I felt last year when I was trying on clothes and smaller sizes fit. I was also getting so many compliments, and I started feeling good about myself for the first time ever! I also know that exercise is just as important as diet for my success, and I feel so confident when I am getting more fit and I can see the results. I loved going to the gym, and while that is not possible now, we are saving for a treadmill, and we have weights and stuff here to work out on.

I know I can do this, I will get motivated, and I will be fit and healthy again. I am just going to plan things out, become organized, and reward myself with things that matter instead of food. I will also continue to read the blogs that inspire me and make me want to make the right food choices, especially Angie all the way. I love the idea of taking pics of the meals and snacks to help with accountability and I plan to do this too.

Anyway, there it is. I will try hard to keep my motivation and make the changes necessary for me. I have to say that before I wrote this out I was feeling sad and having a pity party, but now I feel much better, because I know what I have to do, I have the tools to do it, and I just have to look within myself for the strength to make it happen :)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm back!

It's been too long! So many things have happened since my last post, but I'll keep it brief because I don't want to write a book.
-We moved into our new home in May

-I was put off work due to high blood pressure in pregnancy, and since my 6 month probation period was not quite finished yet, my employer fired me. They say it's because I used too many sick days. Oh well :(

-I finished my courses, and worked harder than I have ever worked at anything before, and I still managed to fail one. boo to that.

-I had a healthy baby girl on Nov. 3rd, and I am trying to be a great mom, and keep my sanity all at once. The Jury is still out on how I'm actually doing, I cry every night but things seem to get a bit better as the days go by.

So I'm sure that there's lots more, but that's just the reader's digest condensed version. I gained quite a few pounds during pregnancy, and I have about 40 left to lose, but I know that I am not in the right place mentally to lose weight now, so I'm waiting until the New Year to recommit.
I have to do it on my own this time because I can't afford meetings, so we will see how strong my will is!

Joey bought me a Bosu ball for Christmas so that I can still do the exercises that the personal trainer showed me, which is awesome because I have wanted one for so long. I also want a treadmill, but with a new house, new baby and no job, I guess I'll have to wait quite a while for that!
Anyway, I guess that's all for now. I'm going to try to keep this updated for my own accountability, and once I'm fully on track, I'm going to try and post pics of my meals like some other bloggers do. I love looking at the healthy food pics, it motivates me so much.
more tomorrow :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunny Sunday

Today was a great but busy day. We bought some furniture for the living room. We went to 3 places and then went back to Leon's which was the first place that we visited. We decided on a leather sofa and love seat, and we bought the coffee and end tables as part of the package,
We will eventually get a chair and an area rug to add some color to the room.
The guy at Ashley was really helpful when talking about fabric types and color pairings but we couldn't afford the set that we really wanted there. We may go back there for a chair though.

The house will be finished within the next week or so which is exciting and scary all at once. I can't wait to move, but I am still having such a hard time getting motivated and organized. If it wasn't for Joey, I don't know what I'd do!! He is so great, and has done a lot of packing so far.

So far this pregnancy is going well too. I am so excited that I heard the heart beat, and that I am feeling relatively well. I am still waiting for an ultrasound, I am really anxious to know exactly how far along I am, and find out my due date. I am sick some evenings, but it's not bad so I've been blessed so far.
I am still quite tired but this is the latest that I have stayed up for a while.....It's
I am just feeling so excited and blessed to be pregnant, and I thank God every day for letting me feel this Joy.

As for my diet, it has not been great, but I am trying hard to eat healthy meals so that the baby will be healthy and that hopefully there will be no serious complications with this pregnancy.

So after that long winded update, I guess that's all for now.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

My Update

It's been way too long!! I was having serious problems sticking to ww and going to the gym. I have been falling asleep right after work, and found that I have no energy all day long.
I went to the doctor because I figured that my thyroid meds needed an increase or something, but it turns out that the levels are fine.......I'm pregnant!!! I'm really nervous because of the 2 miscarriages that I've had, and it's really hard to say how far along I am because I didn't get a period since the last miscarriage. I have to go for an early ultrasound, and I'm praying that it's soon so that I can find out if everything is ok.

So that's my update, and for now I'm trying to relax and take it easy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Another storm??

So there is a freezing rain warning for tomorrow, and I just hope that if it happens, it is enough to cancel work for the day....but I highly doubt it.
I am still really tired but I am planning to go back to the gym and get back on track tomorrow.
We are still working on the house stuff, my new job may mess things up because of the probation period, but the guy who is figuring out the finances says he's 95% sure that we will get it. All of this stress is really affecting my eating, but I can't let it anymore!

I still have the goal that I would like to start running, and I am really looking forward to being able to fit into all of the cute workout clothes in sport check, and Lululemon when it finally comes here.
I can do this!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another Stormy Saturday

I hope that it's true when they say that march comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb. I'm finding it hard to believe that It's march 1st already. I'm so disappointed in myself that I haven't been to the gym in almost 2 weeks!! I'll definately have to go tomorrow. I am feeling very tired and headachy this past week, and even took a sick day on Friday. I felt bad because I know that there was lots to do at work, but I really needed the day. I stayed in bed until noon, and I still felt tired.
On the homed front, it looks like we will be moving soon!! we are buying a new home in a New subdivision in Eastern Passage! I am so excited, but nervous as well because there is so much stress around buying a home! I just hope that everything works out ok.
The weather is pretty bad, as it is snowy and windy so we are just staying in and watching "the Evil Dead" and snacking on things that I am afraid to mention here, yep definately going to the gym tomorrow!!

I am going to try the core plan again this week, as it wasn't too bad this week and it will be even better when I'm exercising again.

Take care,

Monday, February 18, 2008

Stormy Day!!

Wow, the weather is so terrible right now!! It is windy, rainy and cold out right now. Of course I have no motivation to exercise, and I didn't go to the gym :( I wasn't feeling great today, and after supper we went to walmart so there wasn't much time anyway.
I have realized that these new snacks that I have become addicted to are really bad points wise, and I have been eating them all weekend. I am not buying these anymore because they are a huge trigger food for me.
I have decided to try core for at least one week starting on saturday. I am hoping that due to my PCOS and thyroid problems, the core plan will help to increase my energy level and help me feel better.

Joey and I are starting to look at houses, I am so excited but I just hope that we are truly ready financially. This is the first time that I have had a good financially stable Job, so hopefully everything will work out!!!
Well I guess that's all for today, I'm off to bed!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

back to blogging

......and back to basics!
This week I am promising myself to review all of my ww materials and I am getting back on program!! I know I can do this but for some reason I have a mental block, and an all or nothing attitude. This is very dangerous for me, and I know that I can gain all of this weight back easily.

I am having a down day today, that I think may be due to P.M S, I am trying to get happy though, because we are going down town for a romantic hotel stay/dinner, as a late valentines gift. I am excited but again obsessing about the food choices that I will make at dinner. Oh well, I'll be right back on track tomorrow!! I gained 2lbs this week and I was sure that It would be a loss, so I have to work harder this week.

On the job front, I love my new job. The hours are awesome, and the people are great!! hopefully I'll be here for a long time to come!

I have been neglecting the gym more than usual due to tiredness, but I am trying to get back to normal with my energy level, and I may go to the doctor to see if he has any suggestions.
I am also thinking about posting my daily menu's here to keep me honest, we'll see.

So I guess that's all for now, I'll have to keep this updated now even though my life is not very interesting!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bad blogger

I'm a bad blogger because I didn't post lately, but in my defence, I have been really busy with a large dose of no motivation. I haven't been to the gym in a few days because I was letting my body heal, but I thing it's time to go back.
I started my new job today, and it was a lot different than I expected. The clients need a lot of care, but I'm sure that I can do this and the change might be right for me. The hours are awesome, as well as the vacation and the pay. I am really hoping that I can make this work and do well with this.
I am feeling some anxiety tonight as well as sadness and I'm a bit lonely. I know that joey only left today for two weeks, but I feel like it wasn't a good time for him to go away, I was fine while he was here, but now I'm feeling some pain and sadness, and a little overwhelmed with the changes that I have been going through in the past week. What I really need is some time off to sleep and heal, and instead, I'll be working 72 hours per week for the next 2 weeks. I honestly hope that I can make it through this, because if I can't, I may end up with no job, and then where would I be??
Oh well, I hope I made the right decision.

On a diet note, I am going to spend some time this weekend, doing up meal plans, and menu ideas and hopefully making some easy, core breakfasts that I can eat on my way to work. That's the plan and we'll see how it goes. As for this week in the evenings, I'm going to try extremely hard to get caught up on my course. There is so much to do, I hope I am strong enough to do it all!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Week from hell

I can honestly say that I had the worst/craziest week ever.
On tuesday I found out that I was pregnant, and I was so excited but scared. I was scared because 5 years ago I had a miscarriage and I knew that I was probably at a high risk this time too. So Joey and I were trying not to talk about it, but we eventually ended up in the baby section at walmart, planning and laughing. we were so excited...then last night I started bleeding, I had to go to work, which was terrible. I went to the doctor and he said that I was miscarrying, and my levels show that this would not have been a viable pregnancy anyway. I am really sad but I'll be ok eventually.
Also today I got a phone call offering me a job, with awesome hours, full benefits and a pension plan. This is quite a big decision to make on a day like today, but I said yes, and I'll end up working 2 jobs for the time being until I give my notice, etc. oh well, I'll deal.

Also Joey is going away monday for 2 weeks! This sucks because I couldn't need him more than right now, but he has to sail on another ship. It is only a short sail so I should be ok.
Add to this the fact that I had my first personal training session (which was awesome) and had to cancel my second, to give my body some time off and it makes for a crazy week.

So now I have to pick myself up, get back on track and stay strong. I can do this.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Today was a lazy sunday for me, I didn't get dressed, and I didn't move too far from the couch. I was really busy though, writing a paper and catching up on my courses. I'm so glad to have one assignment done but I still have a long way to go to be caught up.

As for the weight watchers and exercise, I am doing very well. I started a calendar to keep track of my on program days, and I am using stickers, an idea which I borrowed from some other girls. I totally love getting the stickers, it is so exciting!! I bought Eeyore ones and Tinkerbell ones, and I get one for every day that I am on program. This includes eating properly, tracking everything, drinking my water, and exercising when I am scheduled to do so. On the exercise rest days I will still get a sticker because I am following my plan.
I totally love this idea, and it is definitely motivating me!

I have decided that I need to come up with a meal plan for suppers too, taking into account when I am working. This will make it easier to stay on track, and hopefully reduce the temptation to eat out as much as we have been.
All in all I feel really great lately, and I hope it continues. When I feel good it affects everything in my life for the better.
Have a great evening everyone!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Weigh in day

So as I mentioned yesterday, today was weigh in. I had a gain of 1.6 which I'm really happy about because when I came back from Cape Breton I was up 10lbs on my scale. So now I have to lose 2 lbs to get back down to where I was before christmas.

I had a great workout today, I really pushed myself and felt great afterwards, then Joey went to the mall and I had a nap. It was such a great day. I have to talk to the trainer today and set up an appointment, probably for monday, I can't wait.

I also called the woman back about the job interview, I have a time set up for tuesday, hopefully I have a good shot at it because I think a change is exactly what I need right now.

Anyway, I guess that's all for now :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hump Day!!

I'm so glad that the weekend is almost here! I am stilll trying to recover from the holidays and I want to use the weekend to do some cleaning and organizing as well as catching up on some sleep.

I have my weigh in tomorrow, and I know that I have gained, but I am back on track and moving forward. I joined 2 challenges on the board and I am going to work my hardest at achieving them. One is to get 1200 mins of activity in Jan. ant the other is to lose 10 lbs this month (I may not reach this one due to the gain that I am expecting, but I'm still going to try.
I am hoping that if I start the year strong, I will continue to get stronger over time!!

At the Gym tomorrow I am planning to book my first personal training session, which is a consultation. I got 5 sessions as gift from joey and I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I have never had a trainer before so I'm not really sure what to expect.

I got a message today that a place that I applied to wants me for an interview. By the time that I got home the place was closed so I'll call tomorrow and set up a time. This exciting too because as early as next week my current job hours are being cut. Although this job is less pay, it is more hours and the hours are much better. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is what I'm looking for, and that I'm what they're looking for. I applied to a couple of other jobs too, but so far no word.
Well I guess that's all for tonight, I'm going to bed.
More soon!