Friday, February 20, 2009

I love Friday

Friday's are great because it means that I have Joey home for 2 full days when he's not on duty.
Not much new happening lately though, I had 1 bad day but I didn't go over my points, so I'm very happy! I did really well points wise and I got lots of activity but I was only down 0.6 lbs. There could be a few reasons for this like water retention and not eating all of my AP's so hopefully the scale will catch up next week.

I have already used a large chunk of my flex points and they only reset today but I'm o.k with that as it was planned. Oh well off to bed I guess :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Sunday!!

I am happy today because I was actually able to weigh myself on my scale!!! That means that I lost some weight, and it makes me feel great. I hate how high the number is, but it is going to help me stay strong on this journey!
I'm on my own with Arianna today so I may not get a chance to work out, but I work better with a day off too.

I am just so happy that I can finally keep track of my progress!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Another great day

Today is great, it seems like I am coping much better all of a sudden, and things are going right. I think the key is that I am ok with things not being perfect, I am rolling with the flow and seeing where it takes me.
I got in another treadmill workout today and although I am only doing 20 mins, it feels great. I am doing a pretty high intensity workout and I am planning to increase my time next week.

I also got beautiful flowers from Joey for an early valentines gift, tulips and some other purple stuff, they are awesome and they make me smile!!

I am really hoping that this mood change continues and I can stay OP for a long time!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm back

Ok so how many times have I said that I am back on track? Well I de-railed so now I am taking things one day at a time. The depression was bad lately but the meds are worse. I am unable to function on the meds because I feel like a zombie, so I am going to try to help myself through journaling, exercise and eating well. I think most of my negativity and sadness comes from my weight, so we'll see how it goes.

I have been back on track for 2 days now, and I even got in a workout today, which really made me feel good. I am going to make a workout plan and try to stick to it. If I can't exercise during the day, I will do it when Joey gets home. I am going to take him up on the offer of help, instead of trying to do it all alone.

I can do this and I will be thinner and healthier in 2009!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Well, it's been a rough go lately. I am totaly off track, and I've been eating for all of the wrong reasons. I have been super stressed, and I think my depression is back full force. I tried to battle it on my own but I can't. I am back on meds and I will try taking them at night so that I am not zombie like, hopefully. I have always wanted to be a mom, and it's killing me that I can not be the mom that I had pictured in my head. Kind, caring and patient. I show arianna so much love during the day but I feel like I am lacking in patience.

I am working on correcting the things in my life that need fixing, and being the best person that I can be. I need to lose this weight for me and for Arianna.

I always binge when I am feeling like this, and I had planned on buying some cake or pastry at the gas station today, and eating it in the car on the way home without anyone knowing. when I was in there, I looked at all of the muffins and carrot cake and squares and I left with none. I am proud of myself for that small victory, and I hope in the days to come there are many more.

I am back on track tomorrow.