Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So today was an up and down kind of day, I dropped by my old workplace for a visit and found out that my old job is opening up. I was thinking about it and decided to try for the position.
It couldn't be better hours (finished by 3:45 Pm) monday to friday, I know all of the clients, and I enjoyed the work. I feel sad about the possibility of not being a stay at home mom, and I'll miss Arianna like crazy, but in order to provide extras and have some security, I need to work.

I've been in contact with a daycare and I have my fingers crossed that when they call back on Friday I'll have a daycare spot. I just feel like this is meant to be, and I am praying that everything lines up and comes through.

I did my run today, and it felt good, I'm still doing 90 seconds running and 1 min walking but it's getting better. my eating is going well, not fully clean but I'm sticking to my points and measuring things again.
I am so excited that in 6 weeks Joey will be back, it's been a long 4 months!!

I'm off to bed, it's been a hectic day!

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