Thursday, April 29, 2010

Squeaking by

I'm slowly finding my groove again. I have been eating pretty clean since Monday....not 100% but clean enough to get rid of most of the water weight that I was holding on to. When I weighed myself on Monday I was 322.2 which is a gain of 10 lbs in a month, Yesterday I was 315.4 so I am getting there.

I also did day 1 and 2 of the Jillian Michaels ifit workouts for the treadmill this week. I find them quite challenging at some parts, and I am a sweaty mess after just 20 minutes.

Next week will be kind of exciting/stressful for me because I have a job interview for my old job, Joey goes back to work and I start bootycamp. On top of that, depending on how the interview goes, I may be looking for full time childcare. It will be interesting to see how I handle the stress.

I am hoping to start blogging more regularly and to just become more organized in general.

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