Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Well not really that lazy, because I cleaned the main level and made a couple of batches of home made Larabars, but I'm still in my jammies and I have no intention of getting dressed. Arioanna is still in Jammies too and I think she likes days like today.

I thought about going for a walk but it's still freezing out and I'm just too cold lately to venture out. Tomorrow I have to run anyway so a rest day is good.
Tomorrow is the last day of run 1min walk 1 min, and I figure in order to run 1:30 I will have to lower the speed, but I am willing to do what ever it takes to keep running. I am toying with the idea of registering for the bluenose 5k run but I'm terrified at the thought and afraid that I will fail.
I am working on it and it would be something great that I can do for me!

well, I guess that's it. 12 weeks until Joey comes home!!


Cole Walter Mellon said...

Don't let fear of failure stop you, Peggy. A ship in port is safe... but that's not what ships are made for. Sign up for that 5K and use that to push you on in your training.

Jenn said...

Thank You :)