Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday Night

It is 8:30 pm on a friday night and I am heading to bed in a few minutes....I am

Things are going well, I miss Joey like crazy, but I am coping well and getting things done. I have lost 13 lbs since Joey left, which is awesome considering my weight didn't change for months. I am mostly doing core, but there are some changes that I need to make, and I need to do much more planning and prep. I bought the clean eating cookbook, and it looks awesome. I am exercising a lot, and feeling good, hopefully I'll be quite a bit smaller when Joey comes home in May.

I really need to start monitoring my spending, part of my de cluttering will have to involve not bringing any other un-necessary things to take up space. I also have to realize that I don't need to buy something just because I want it. I am going to make wish lists and buy things for myself as rewards for weight loss and fitness goals.

all in all, besides the fact that I'm a little lonely, things are looking good and seem to be shaping up the way that I want them too.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Running Shirt giveaway

Check out Jackson's world for a great running shirt give away.